Game Analysis
Made Easy

The all-in-one platform for coaches, scouts, players, & teams

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Made by Football Professionals for Football Professionals

Our platform is designed to benefit all football professionals. We provide wide variety of tools to help you analyze overall team performance and individual performances. 


Study your team’s strengths and weaknesses to improve your result 


Identify and highlight opponents’ strategy and tendencies to gain a competitive edge 


Be the first to identify the next generation players


Understand your role and self-evaluate your performance

Chosen by professionals around the world

victor vasques

” I tried many, many programs to find myself comfortable. It wasn’t easy, but I can tell you that I am willing to feel myself comfortable with FL-UX to develop my work.

So if you are looking for something simple and at the same time, answer your questions as a coach, I advise you to go to FL-UX. To save you a lot of time and a lot of energy to do other things for sure. “

Victor Vasques

Head Coach at UAE Beach Soccer National Team

Advanced Features to support your workflow


NO dedicated ANALYST needed

All you need is ONE COACH

Make a video clip with just ONE tap


Detect players AUTOMATICALLY

No laptop is needed, just a TABLET

FULLY AUTOMATED process done in seconds


Automatically compile STATS

SCENE SEARCH to find specific plays

VISUALIZATION tools to find the match flow


MESSAGE each other directly via video clips

Use FL-UX as your digital NOTEBOOK

Easily create and SHARE playlists

Want to try it yourself?

available on all devices

Any Questions?

Get in touch with us today to explore how FL-UX can help you achieve big things!

Contact Form


Sumitomo Fudosan Toranomon Tower, 2-chōme-2-1 Toranomon, Minato City, Tokyo 105-0001, Japan


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